This is not a self-help book.

I repeat…this is not a self-help book. There will be a new lane in the publishing industry by the time I’m done sharing what I have to share with you. I don’t have time for illusions, and I’m not here to sell you any either. Through the grace of God, I’m able to talk to you from the other side of abuse, loss, and tragedy. I have not lived a cookie-cutter life, so my raw is real, and my real is raw. If you feel like there’s a velvet rope between where you are now and where you want to be… I’m here to give you access to the other side. If you feel like you’re stuck behind a concrete wall of doubt, hurt, or struggle…I’m here to tell you there’s a way through. This is a survival guide. A guide to help you realize you can overcome all adversity.

You have the authority. You are authorized.